lundi 4 octobre 2010
Tous les titres


Fax du lundi 4 octobre 2010 - Tous les titres

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PwC reports FY2010 global revenues of US$26.6 billion

Total network revenues rise. Advisory business returns to strong growth. PwC reported aggregate gross revenues of US$26.6 billion for its worldwide network of member firms for the fiscal year ended 30 June 2010, showing a slight increase in revenues at constant exchange rates. In US dollars PwC's FY2010 aggregate network revenues rose by 1.5 per cent from FY2009. Revenues for PwC firm’s flagship Assurance services held up well, given the economic conditions, at US$13.3 billion, down only very slightly (1.3 per cent) from the previous year. Despite the continued slow economy, demand increased for Assurance services, but the rise in demand was more than offset by ongoing pricing pressure in a fiercely competitive market. PwC’s Assurance operations continued to...
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