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Daily Fax
mercredi 4 septembre 2024
Post-M&A Disputes: Is arbitration the most appropriate forum?
By Annie ELFASSI, Partner Dispute Resolution and Elodie DUCHÊNE, Partner Corporate MA, Baker McKenzie Luxembourg
2021 was a record-breaking recovery in Merger and Acquisition ("MA") activity. The global total value of all deals reached an all-time high of USD 5.9 trillion(1). However, the past few year have been challenging for MA, with several circumstances (geopolitical instability, remaining impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, inflation still high) that contributed to slowdown the MA activity(2). This also led to a growing wave of post MA disputes. Many of them have been resolved by arbitration. In this article, we will analyze some of the potential benefits of arbitration to settle post MA transactions (1)...
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