mardi 4 mars 2014
Tous les titres


Fax du mardi 4 mars 2014 - Tous les titres

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Superman, super bonds

By Joanne Gilbert, Fixed Income Investment Specialist, Aberdeen Asset Management   For decades Superman has served the citizens of Metroplis and the world. Outwardly a normal human being, the original super human has used his remarkable abilities to protect and serve the people against foes like Atomic Skull, Lex Luthor and General Zod. Toiling against adversaries, and the dreaded Kryptonite, there have been moments when all has seemed lost only for him to fight back and topple his enemies. According to Joanne Gilbert, Fixed Income Investment Specialist at Aberdeen Asset Management, bonds have followed a similarly remarkable path. Although perceived as dull, their super powers have shielded savers from the volatility of stock markets, helped them accumulate...
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