mardi 3 septembre 2013
Tous les titres


Fax du mardi 3 septembre 2013 - Tous les titres

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A regulatory rush until year-end

By Benoît Sauvage, Senior Advisor - Financial Market Regulation, ABBL   After a hot summer, weather-wise, it is likely that the last straight line to the end of the year will be hot as well, probably not in terms of temperatures, but from a regulatory perspective. Besides the imposing amount of work that still needs to be finalised in prudential regulatory matters, much work also lies ahead regarding securities and financial markets. There are at least 3 areas that most concern Luxembourg. The “big one” is of course MIFID II.   The MIFID II text is now in “Trilogue”, meaning the 3 EU Institutions have entered into the phase where they will do horse trading to promote their preferred version of the text. Who will succeed in the end is difficult to...
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