mardi 3 septembre 2013
Tous les titres


Fax du mardi 3 septembre 2013 - Tous les titres

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BGP Investment s.à r.l.: New Commercial Mortgage-backed Security issue

BGP Investment s.à r.l. today announced the successful refinancing of its Quokka Finance Plc. and Minotaurus Immobilien GmbH Co KG indebtedness through the issuance of EUR 385.7m of commercial mortgage backed securities by Monnet Finance Limited, arranged by Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch. BGP was additionally advised by The Blackstone Group International Partners LLP. Mark Dunstan, CEO of BGP Investment s.à r.l. said the successful closing of the transaction was a clear vote of confidence in the BGP platform and positioned the group favourably going forward. "We are pleased to close the transaction, which owing to the current interest rate environment represents an attractive all-in financing cost for BGP".   BGP Investment s.à r.l. is a Luxembourg-based...
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