Agefi Luxembourg - février 2025
AGEFI Luxembourg 44 Février 2025 Nominations EY Luxembourg annonce une série de nominations au seinde sa direction EYLuxembourg annonce une série de nominations importantesauseindesadirection.Ceschangements stratégiques viennent appuyer l'engagement d'EY Luxembourg envers l'excellence et son adaptabilité dansunpaysagecommercialenconstanteévolution. Adriana Boixados a été nommée nouvelle Deputy Country Managing Partner. Adriana a été la CountryPeopleLeaderaucoursdesdeuxdernières années, gérant efficacement le personnel et les ini- tiatives opérationnelles connexes dans toutes les lignes de service et fonctions associées. Elle travail- lera en étroite collaboration avec le Country Managing Partner, Olivier Coekelbergs, ainsi qu’avec le reste de l'équipe de direction afinde défi- nir et piloter les priorités stratégiques. Parmi les responsables fonctionnels, René Ensch a été nommé Country People Leader, succédant ainsi à Adriana Boixados. René a été le Country Risk ManagementLeaderducabinetaucoursdecesqua- tre dernières années. En tant qu’Assurance Partner, il est spécialisé dans le secteur des fonds real estate comptabilisant plus de 25 ans d'expérience en audit. Julie Honoré prendra le rôle de Country Risk Management Leader. Julie est Assurance Partner dans le secteur des fonds Real Estate. Elle possède de solides compétences dans l'industrie, servant l'ensemble de la chaîne de valeur immobilière, des promoteurs et constructeurs aux fonds d'investis- sement immobilier. Alban Aubrée a été nommé Chief Operating Officer. Il se concentrera sur l'améliorationdes opé- rations.Au cours des cinq dernières années en tant que Chief Financial Officer,Alban a géré avec suc- cès les affaires financières du cabinet, point crucial pour soutenir les décisions opérationnelles straté- giques et atteindre les objectifs de la firme. En ce qui concerne les Service Lines, Christian Schlesser a été nommé Tax Leader d'EY Luxembourg. Il était auparavant Commercial and Public Sector Tax Leader, Operating Model and Transfer Pricing Leader à EYLuxembourg, et pos- sède à son actif, 21 ans d'expérience chez EY Luxembourg et EYChicago. Enfin, Bart VanDroogenbroekdevient quant à lui le TMT(Technology,Media,andTelecommunications) Leader. Avant de prendre ce rôle, il a dirigé la pra- tique fiscale d'EYLuxembourg et a également été le Global Telecommunication Tax Sector Leader du cabinet. Parallèlement, concernant la gouvernance, Bart a également été nommé nouveau président du Conseil d'Administration. *** BDO Luxembourg Expands its Market Presence with the Appointment of 3 NewPartners To further enhance its position in keymarket areas, BDOLuxembourgannounces the recent promotion of one partner and the direct appointment of two newpartners. DamienAppasamy –Audit&Assurance Damienhas anoverall experience of 20 years, focu- sing on the external audit of commercial and industrial companies, but also international groups and real estate structures. He joined BDO in 2010 following a first experience with Big Four firms, in Mauritius and then in Luxembourg. He works on assignments of stand-alone and conso- lidated financial statements, reporting in both LuxGAAP and IFRS and has a significant expe- rience in cross-border engagements. George Bagkalas – Funds Services Georgehasover18yearsofexperienceinAlternative Investments in Europe and the United States. He possessesextensiveexpertiseinfundadministration operations, investment vehicles, and company management,withafocusonprivateequity,venture capital and infrastructure. Before joining BDO, he held various senior positions at fund service provi- ders in Luxembourg and in the United States. He holds degrees in Management from Harvard Business School and the London School of Economics. Sylvie Leick – Personal Tax SylvieassumestheleadofourPersonalTaxpractice. She has more than 20 years of experience assisting organizations with the numerous aspects linked to employees’mobility,includingpersonalincometax, shadowpayroll, taxation of equity in an internatio- nal context, social security, immigration, cross-bor- der workers considerations. She has gained exten- sive knowledge in all aspects of Luxembourg per- sonalincometax,compensationandrewardmatters and is involved in numerous working groups dea- ling with these matters. Prior joining BDO in November 2024, she was a tax partner at a Big 4 in Luxembourg. LanghamHall strengthensLuxembourg teamwith two newsenior hires Langham Hall announces the appointment of two senior hires in Luxembourg. IanKent joins as Head of Fund Administration – Luxembourg and Brian Campion asHeadof Commercial – Luxembourg. Ianhas 20years’ experience in the alternative invest- ment sector in Luxembourg, both with investment managers and service providers. He has spent time at KPMG, Morgan Stanley andAbrdn, before wor- king at a global bankwhere he serviced clientswith complex cross-jurisdictional structures. Ian is a FellowCharteredAccountant(“FCA”).Ianleadsour Luxembourg fundadministrationpractice across all illiquid asset classes. Brian started his career as an Auditor at EY Luxembourg, before working for an independent AIFM. He joins Langham Hall from another inde- pendent service provider, where he advised clients on Luxembourg operating models and regulatory frameworks. Brian is also the Co-Chair of the LPEA Promotion Sounding Board. Brian leads the Luxembourgcommercialteam,whichisresponsible for advising and working with clients during the setupand initial operationof funds inLuxembourg. *** JTC Welcomes Lee Marshall to Lead Luxembourg FundServices JTC Group, a global professional services business, announces the appointment of Lee Marshall as Managing Director of JTC Luxembourg S.A. In this role, Lee will become the head of the management committee and join the board of JTC Luxembourg S.A. Lee will lead the further development and expansion of JTC’s fund services in Luxembourg, reinforcing the firm’s commitment toexcellenceand innovation in service delivery. Lee Marshall brings a wealth of experience to JTC, having been a prominent figure in the financial ser- vices industry for over two decades. His expertise within the fund industry, coupled with his proven leadership in international markets, driving process andefficiencywhileleveragingtechnologyandope- rational improvements to improve margin as well as client and employee engagement makes him a perfect fit for steering the Luxembourg Funds Services division towards newheights. *** Atos strengthens its management team with theappointment ofPunit Sehgal as HeadofBenelux&Nordics,AtosGroup Atos announces the appointment of Punit Sehgal as Head of Benelux & Nordics, Atos Group. With a strongtrackrecordinleadership,improvedcustomer satisfactionaswellasextensiveexpertiseofdelivering digitaltransformationwithinBelgium,Luxembourg and global organizations, Punit Sehgal will bring valuableskillstothemanagementteamintheregion and at the Group level, as Atos embarks on a new chapter in its journey. *** Stibberenforcesespratiquesendroitdes sociétés, droit social et droit fiscal avec la nominationde trois Counsels Stibbe annonce la promotion de Sophie Brenard (Corporate/M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits &Pensions) et Christophe Martin-Raynaud (Tax) en tant queCounsels, àpar- tir du 1 er janvier 2025. Les nominations de Sophie et Charlotte au sein du bureau bruxellois soulignent leur expertise excep- tionnelleetmarquentuneétapeimportantedansl’ex- pansion continue des services de Stibbe endroit des sociétés et en droit du travail. Christophe jouera un rôle clé dans le développement du bureau luxem- bourgeois, en mettant à profit son expertise appro- fondie en droit fiscal pour renforcer l'offre fiscale de Stibbe. Ces promotions illustrent l'engagement de Stibbe à reconnaître et soutenir les talents exception- nels au seindu cabinet. Sophie Brenard a rejoint le bureau bruxellois de Stibbeen2016ets’estforgéeunesolideréputationen droitdessociétés,avecunespécialisationparticulière dans les fusions et acquisitions, la réglementation financière et la gouvernance d’entreprise. Charlotte Mortiaux a débuté sa carrière dans le bureau bruxellois de Stibbe en 2014. Elle est spé- cialisée dans tous les aspects dudroit social indivi- duel et collectif. Christophe Martin-Raynaud a rejoint le bureau luxembourgeoisdeStibbeen2019ets'estrapidement imposé comme un spécialiste très apprécié en droit fiscalnationaletinternational.Ilsespécialisedansles structurationsfiscalesetleconseilenmatièredetrans- actions pour une clientèle diversifiée, comprenant des entreprises multinationales, des institutions financières et des sociétés d'investissement. Invesco grows its teaminLuxembourg Invesco, the independent global investment firm with 8,400 employees in over 26 countries and an AUMof $1,9 trillion, has expanded its Benelux ope- rationwith thehireof anewSalesManager based in Luxembourg. PriscillaHüehas joined the InvescoBenelux teamas SalesManager for Luxembourg and Belgium, brin- ging over 15 years of business development expe- rience. Before joining Invesco, Priscilla launched the LuxembourgbranchofCedrus&Partners,aninvest- mentadvisoryfirmspecializinginprivateassets,lea- ding business development across the region. Prior to that, Priscilla served as Sales Manager at La Française Group, overseeing the Belgian, Luxembourg and Nordics markets. She will report toRoel Thijssen, Headof Invesco in the Benelux. *** GrantThorntonannounces theappoint- ment of newpartners Grant Thornton has announced the appointment of 6 new partners across its audit, tax, advisory and financial services business lines in Luxembourg. These nominations bring the number of partners to 27 in Luxembourg as the firm continues its strategy for continuous growth. EdouardBubenicek – Partner, Corporate&Legal Edouardhas been appointed as Legal Partner, spe- cialising in corporate matters and notably in mer- gers&acquisitions.He is also leading theRecovery & Reorganisation business line in Grant Thornton Luxembourg. Before joining Grant Thornton in 2022, Edouard practiced as Avocat à la Cour for more than 10 years. He holds a Master in International Business Law from University of NancyandaDiploma in International Transactions from ICNBusiness School. Vaida Gončiauskaitė – Partner and Authorised Director, Financial Services Vaida has been appointed as a Partner in Financial Services and has been authorised by the CSSF as a director of Grant Thornton Financial Services S.A., a Professional of the Financial Sector (PSF). With over 14 years of distinguished experience in the financial sector, she is recognised for guiding fund managers in ensuring seamless compliance with the rigorous regulations governing their Luxembourg-domiciled funds. MartinDewez – Partner, InternalAudit MartinhasbeenappointedasInternalAuditPartner, leading the Business Risk Services (BRS) practice. With more than 10 years of experience in internal auditservices,Martinhasbeenservingavariedport- folio of clients, covering most types of regulated financialinstitutionsinLuxembourg,includingcredit institutions, investment firms, investment fund managers, specialised and support PFS, payment institution aswell as reinsurance captives. HakimMezieche – Partner, ITAudit Hakim has been appointed as IT Audit Partner in the Internal Audit division. With over 15 years of experience,heholdsanextensiveexperienceinrevie- wing IT controls within the context of external and internalaudits.Hakimisspecialisedincybersecurity, outsourcing management, cloud computing, busi- ness continuity, disaster recovery audits, SWIFT securityprogramaudits,IToperationsmanagement audits, and ITproject reviews. AlessandroNiglio – Partner, Valuations Services AlessandrohasbeenappointedasValuationPartner. He has over 10 years of experience, having joined Grant Thornton in 2019 after a previouswork expe- rience at State Street Bank asValuationAnalyst. AlainVerbeken – Partner, Tax - Financial Services Alainhas been appointedas Tax - Financial Services Partner in the Tax&Accountingdivision.With over 30yearsofexperienceintaxservices,heisspecialised in tax advisory and operational tax services for the financial services industries. *** Google Cloud nomme Joost Smit au poste deCountry LeadBenelux Google Cloud annonce la nomination de Joost Smit aupostedeCountryLeadpourlarégionduBenelux, après qu'il ait occupé le poste de Country Lead par intérim. À ce titre, Joost Smit sera chargé de diriger l'équipe et les activités deGoogleCloudauBenelux. Il définira les stratégies de vente et de croissance de Google Cloud et poursuivra le développement des opérations de vente sur cemarché européen clé. Ces dernières années, Google a étendu son infra- structure en Belgique et aux Pays-Bas afin de répondre à la demande croissante de services cloud et d'alimenter d'autres services populaires, tels que Search, Maps et Workspace. Cette expan- sion fournit une infrastructure locale cruciale, favo- risant l'innovation pour les grandes entreprises locales et les startups de la région duBenelux. Des entreprises de premier plan telles que ASML, Carrefour Belgique, Hunkemoller, Odoo et des startups telles queCradle,Weaviate etMollie, pour n'en citer que quelques-unes, ont notamment adopté les technologies de Google Cloud pour transformer leurs activités. JoostSmitestunmembreclédel'équipededirection de Google Cloud depuis 5 ans et possède déjà plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans le secteur IT. Avant son arrivée chez Google, il a notamment occupé les postes de VP Market Unit Lead chez Capgemini et deManagingDirector chezAccenture. *** Pro Bono Luxembourg Association officially launched and Fabio Trevisan appointed as chairman Thefoundingmembersarepleasedtoannouncethe establishment of a new association in Luxembourg: the Pro Bono LuxembourgAssociation. Established on 3rdFebruary 2025, the purpose of this non-profit association is to promote and develop the pro bono practice in Luxembourg and the civic commitment ofmembersoftheLuxembourgBarinthecontextof free legal advice (pro bono) for meritorious causes, assuringpolitical,ideologicalandreligiousneutrality. List of FoundingMembers: BSP -M e FabioTREVISAN PinsentMasonsLuxembourg-M e MichelBULACH Arendt &Medernach -Mme StéphanieMOULIN Ogier (Luxembourg) -M e HélèneARVIS Norton Rose Fulbright Luxembourg - M e Florent TROUILLER DLAPIPERLuxembourg-M e BahyaBOUHARATI Goodwin Procter (Luxembourg) - M e Julien SCHRAUB M e ThierryPOULIQUEN M e CarolinaVASSELLI *** GenIIappointsnewHeadofDepositary Services – Luxembourg Gen II FundServices LLC ("Gen II") has appointed Massimo Bernacchia as its new Head of Depositary Services inLuxembourg, as the private capital fund administrator continues to focus on its European expansion and the evolution of its transatlantic service capabilities. Massimowill be responsible for the leadershipand development of business's Depositary Services in Europe, and for ensuring the provision of first- class client services underpinned by market lea- ding technology. With over 22 years' experience in the financial ser- vicesindustry,andparticularexpertiseinalternative investment funds anddepositary services,Massimo joins Gen II from a leading global wealth manager wherehewastheheadofthebusiness'sSafekeeping and Cash Monitoring team for Alternative and Standardassets.PriortothathewasHeadofDelivery -DepositaryServices(Luxembourg)foraglobalcor- porate services provider. *** Jean-Paul Olinger nommé président du conseil d'administration auMudam Lors de sa réuniondu 14 février 2025, leConseil de gouvernement aapprouvé lapropositionduminis- tre de la Culture, Eric Thill, de soumettre à S.A.R. le Grand-Duc la nomination de Jean-Paul Olinger au poste de président du conseil d'administration du Musée d'art moderne Grand-Duc Jean (Mudam) Luxembourg. Né le 5 juin 1978, Jean-Paul Olinger est titulaire d'un master en sciences économiques et gestion d'entreprise de HEC Lausanne (1997-2002), d'un master endroit des affaires et fiscalitéde l'université deMannheim (2002-2003) et plus récemment d'un Executive MBA TRIUMde HEC Paris, LSE et NY Stern (2022-2024). Il adébuté sa carrière en tant que conseiller fiscal chez KPMG Luxembourg, où il a travaillé de 2005 à 2017, atteignant le poste d'asso- cié. De 2018 à 2024, il a occupé les fonctions de directeur et président ducomité exécutif de l'Union des entreprises luxembourgeoises (UEL). Depuis mai 2024, il est directeur à l'Administration des contributions directes. Parallèlement, Jean-Paul Olinger a été membre de plusieurs conseils d'administration, notamment ceux de la Caisse nationale de santé (CNS), de la Caisse nationale d'assurance pension (CNAP), du Fonds de compensation commun au régime géné- ral de pension et de la Mutualité des employeurs, où il a exercé en tant queprésident du conseil d'ad- ministration de 2018 à 2024. Il a également été membre du conseil d'administration de la Philharmonie Luxembourg de 2022 à 2024. Source : ministère de la Culture
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