Agefi Luxembourg - février 2025
Février 2025 39 AGEFI Luxembourg Droit / Emploi By Maurice MACCHI, Counsel, Employment &LaureVARICHON,Associate,Employment, A&OShearman I n today’s workplace, em- ployers may encounter situa- tions requiring thorough investigations to address allega- tions of harassment, discri- mination, misconduct, or other critical issues. Each case is unique and demands a tailo- red approach, but there are universal strategies that can ensure your in- vestigations are both ef- fective and credible. When conducting investigations, employers should adhere to the highest standards of fairness, impartiality, objectivity, thoroughness, and time- liness. It is crucial to complywith all relevant laws, regulations, and policies while safeguarding the rights, interests, and dignity of all parties and stakeholders involved. Maurice Macchi, counsel in the employment law practice of A&O Shearman, together with associ- ate Laure Varichon, share a guide on the essential steps and considerations for (I) planning, (II) con- ducting, and (III) concluding a workplace investi- gation. Drawing from their experience, both will also share best practices to help you navigate these complex processes with confidence and integrity. I. Planning a workplace investigation Interview location: no place like home? Choosing the right location for conducting inter- views is a pivotal decision in any investigation. The choice between the employer’s premises and a neutral venue can significantly impact the pro- cess and outcomes. Conducting interviews on the employer’s premises offers convenience, cost-ef- fectiveness, and a familiar environment for both interviewers and interviewees. It also demon- strates the employer’s commitment to trans- parency and accountability, while providing easy access to necessary documents and equipment. However, this approachmay comewith risks such as potential interference or intimidation from other employees, managers, or third parties, a lack of privacy or confidentiality, and possible disrup- tion of normal business operations. Alternatively, opting for a neutral location can en- hance the independence, and credibility of the in- vestigation. It can also alleviate stress and anxiety for all parties involved. Despite these benefits, neutral venues may incur additional costs and re- quire more logistical planning and coordination. Balancing these factors is crucial to ensure a smooth and effective investigation process. Investigation team: tea for two? A successful investigation hinges on the composi- tion of its team. Ideally, the teamshould comprise at least two members: one to lead, ask questions, and analyse the interviewee’s body language, and another to meticulously take notes. This dual ap- proach ensures comprehensive coverage of the in- terview, minimizes the risk of missing crucial details, and guarantees the accuracy and consis- tency of records. Furthermore, teammembers can confer to clarify doubts, confirm findings, or ad- just their strategy as needed. For optimal results, the two teammembers should work harmoniously, communicate effectively, and challenge each other’s assumptions and biases. Di- versity in age and background can bring varied perspectives, experiences, and skills to the investi- gation. Sensitivity to the nature and context of the allegations is paramount to avoid any appearance of unfairness or discrimination. For example, in a sexual harassment claim by a woman against a man, having twomale investigators could be seen as inappropriate and counterproductive. II. Conducting a workplace investigation Investigation interview: setting the stage Before commencing an investigation interview, it is crucial to ensure that all participants are aligned and that the interviewers have established the right tone and expectations. Here are essential el- ements to include in the interview introduction: - Clearly articulate the purpose and scope of the interview, along with the overall objectives and process of the investigation. - Reiterate the rules and principles govern- ing the interview and the broader investi- gation. - Outline the allocated time and duration for the interview and address any ques- tions or concerns the interviewee may have before proceeding. Investigation interview: crafting the “perfect” questions Conducting an effective in- vestigation interview hinges on the ability to ask the right questions in the right manner. Here are some best practices and ex- amples to help you excel in this crucial skill: - Begin by asking general ques- tions about the interviewee’s background, role, and work environment to make them feel com- fortable and build rapport. - It is essential to inquire about the interviewee’s feelings, their perception of the interview, and their reaction to its announcement. - Pose open-ended questions that require more than a yes or no answer, as these encourage the in- terviewee to provide detailed information. Utilize closed-ended questions only to confirm or clarify specific facts or statements. If needed, employ paraphrasing to ensure you understand correctly and to demonstrate active listening. III. Concluding a workplace investigation Interview records: every minute(s) counts Capturing the essence of employee interviews during an investigation is crucial for ensuring a thorough and fair process. Accurate, comprehen- sive, and objective documentation of these inter- views is paramount. Here are some practical tips to help you draft effective interviewminutes: - Ensure that the minutes include all pertinent de- tails such as the date, time, location, names and roles of both interviewers and interviewees, the topics and questions discussed, the responses and comments provided, and any documents or evi- dence referenced. - Incorporate direct quotes from the interviewee or interviewers when relevant, whether verbatim or paraphrased, and clearly attribute thewords to the correct speaker. Additionally, capture any non-verbal cues or reactions from the interviewee, such as tone, gestures, emotions, or hesitations, as these can provide insight into their level of confi- dence, honesty, or cooperation. - Draft the minutes immediately after the inter- view concludes to ensure that the information re- mains fresh and accurate. Delaying this process can lead to the loss or omission of critical details that may impact the credibility and reliability of the interview. Investigation report: wrap it up! The investigation report stands as the pinnacle of the investigative process, encapsulating the findings, evidence, analysis, and recommenda- tions of the investigation team. Crafting a clear and comprehensive report is crucial, as it ad- dresses the objectives, scope, methodology, and outcomes of the investigation. Here are some practical tips to ensure your report is both com- pelling and effective: - Organize your report with a logical flow that in- cludes an executive summary, introduction, back- ground, description of allegations, presentation of evidence and analysis, conclusion, and recom- mendations. - Stay objective and factual, steering clear of spec- ulation, opinions, or personal comments. Base your findings and conclusions on relevant and re- liable evidence, citing your sources meticulously. Detail how you evaluated the evidence, assessed witness credibility, and applied pertinent policies and standards. - Summarize or paraphrase the evidence, incor- porating direct quotations where appropriate. Use appendices to include additional or support- ing information that is not critical to the main body of the report. By following these guidelines, you can ensure your investigation report is not only thorough and accurate but also engaging and persuasive, mak- ing it an invaluable asset in the investigative pro- cess, and any possible subsequent litigation. Conducting an investigation is a nuanced and del- icate endeavour that demands meticulous plan- ning, precise execution, and diligent follow-up. The stakes are high, with potential financial, rep- utational, and organizational consequences for both the employer and the involved parties. Before embarking on a workplace investigation, employers must carefully evaluate whether it is appropriate and feasible to handle the matter in- ternally, or if it is more prudent to enlist an expe- rienced external investigator. Opting for an external investigation is often the wiser choice in scenarios where: - The allegations are grave, intricate, or involve se- nior management or multiple parties. - There exists a real or perceived conflict of inter- est, bias, or lack of independence among the inter- nal staff designated to conduct the investigation. - There is a shortage of internal resources, capacity, expertise, or experience to carry out the investiga- tion effectively and efficiently. Regardless of whether the investigation is con- ducted internally or externally, employers can showcase their dedication to resolvingworkplace issues, fostering a positive and respectful work en- vironment, and fulfilling their legal and ethical re- sponsibilities. Uncovering the truth: practical tips for mastering workplace investigations L a présidente du Parlement européen, Roberta Metsola, et le Premier ministre luxembourgeois, Luc Frieden, ont partagé, le 30 janvier, leurs points de vue sur l'avenir de l'Eu- rope et du Luxembourg lors de la conférence Beyond, organisée par Deloitte et intitulée «Our Role in Shaping the Future» . La conférence a réuni 200 participants des secteurs public et privé. Organisée dans les locaux de Deloitte, cette conférence était la première d'une série d'événements célébrant le 75 e anniversaire de Deloitte Luxembourg, renforçant son engagement à soutenir les dirigeants, les décideurs et les inno- vateurs dans la construction de l'ave- nir du Luxembourg et de l'Europe. La soirée a commencé par un discours d'ouverture de John Psaila, Managing Partner et CEO de Deloitte Luxembourg, qui a évoqué l'héritage de la firme et son rôle dans la promo- tion d'un dialogue propice au progrès. Alors que Deloitte Luxembourg fête ses 75 ans d'existence, la firme reste déterminée à aider les chefs d'entre- prise, les décideurs politiques et les entrepreneurs à relever les défis et à saisir les opportunités qui façonnent l'avenir de l'Europe. Au cours de l'événement, Roberta Metsola, présidente du Parlement européen, a donné un aperçu de la «Competitive Compass» récemment publié, un cadre stratégique conçu pour guider la transformation de l'Europe dans les années à venir. Mme Metsola a souligné l'importance d'améliorer la compétitivité de l'Europe, de renforcer la résilience démocratique et de positionner la durabilité comme un moteur de la croissance économique. Le Premier ministre Luc Frieden a offert une perspective luxembour- geoise, soulignant comment la nation se prépare à faire face aux réalités éco- nomiques émergentes tout en capitali- sant sur les opportunités d'innovation et d'investissement. Il s'est penché sur le rôle du Luxembourg au sein de l'UE, soulignant comment son secteur finan- cier, son engagement en faveur de la durabilité et son écosystème d'innova- tion contribuent au paysage écono- mique de l'Europe. L'un des moments forts de la soirée a été la conversation entre la présidente du Parlement européen Metsola et le Premier ministre Frieden, animée par John Psaila. La discussion a fourni une analyse précise de la trajectoire actuelle de l'Europe et de l'évolution de la place du Luxembourg au sein de celle-ci. Les principaux sujets abordés étaient le commerce et les investissements mondiaux, la résilience des institutions démocratiques, la durabilité en tant quemoteur de la croissance, l'équilibre réglementaire, la sécurité énergétique et la réponse de l'Europe au déficit d'in- novation dans le domaine de l'intelli- gence artificielle et de la deeptech. L'échange a également porté sur la manière dont la réglementation euro- péenne peut soutenir la compétitivité des entreprises tout en maintenant un haut niveau d’exigence, et sur la manière dont les politiques de durabi- lité peuvent se transformer, en passant de fardeau de conformité à catalyseur d'investissement. La session s'est ter- minée par un appel aux dirigeants à prendre des mesures décisives pour façonner l'avenir de l'Europe. À propos de l’événement, John Psaila a déclaré : «Cette année marque une étape importante pour Deloitte Luxembourg, puisque nous célébrons 75 ans de contribution au succès de ce pays. C'est l'occasion de revenir sur nos réussites, mais surtout de nous concentrer sur les défis et les oppor- tunités qui nous attendent. Les idées partagées lors de la conférence Beyond soulignent le rôle important du Luxembourg sur la scène euro- péenne, et Deloitte Luxembourg exprime sa gratitude à tous les parti- cipants et intervenants qui ont fait de cet événement un succès». Alors que Deloitte Luxembourg conti- nue de célébrer son 75 e anniversaire tout au long de l'année, la firme s'en- gage à proposer un dialogue tourné vers l'avenir, à encourager la collabo- ration et à contribuer à façonner un avenir compétitif et prospère pour le Luxembourg et l'Europe. Les dirigeants européens abordent les défis de demain ©Deloitte
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